Saturday, February 7, 2009

Job Offer -- I thought it was supposed to be a good thing...

I was offered a job this week....BUT its in North Carolina. Before I even moved here, my time in this state started counting down. I just knew North Carolina was not for me. I would move to another large city, somewhat like what I left in DC. I didnt want to move back to DC; I had done my time there....

So now, after the costly and endless interviews in the fall w/o a job, one has been offered to me here... in this state. Now however, I have been researching and prepping myself to start my own firm in good ole VA. VA is where I am from. That is where I want to be. Even though I know I could make it here, VA is rich in resources for me....clients, location advantage, and where my heart is... I cant even imagine working for someone else now..

Sigh, I wonder if...

Counting down the days...

Its Saturday!!

I haven't been on here in a while. I really forgot about it! But I find myself just relaxing at home on a Saturday afternoon bored. I of course have work to do, but motivation is not in my vocabulary. I dont have anything due for a couple of weeks and I am known to procrastinate. In less than 100 days, I will graduate and I now wonder..what will it feel to not have school work to do. How will it feel not to feel guilty about not studying? Only time will tell.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

And then there was 1...

1 shot for every time Ive lost my insanity over this freaking wedding. Just advice ladies: Dont plan a wedding and go to law school at the same time. Today I went over menus and music. "I" am NOT supposed to be doing the music, but I found myself going over songs. Sigh. While my wedding planning skills will prove up to par... it is pure hell! Hence, another shot will have to be consumed in due time. Wild out Wednesday is approaching and no class at night... any takers?